Diagram of site 2.0


Normally when you’re in business, you’re almost as quick to save a buck, as you are to make a buck.  There are many ways to cut corners, specifically with all the possibilities available through the Internet.  The irony is, at times, the corners you cut with your Internet business mean the end to your business altogether. Read more . . .

Speaker on the podium


In the past, a successful business was built on smart marketing, hard work, and exceptional customer service.  In fact, while the same holds true today, another element has come into play.  Nowadays, true business success also comes with e-commerce hosting.

Through the exceptional growth of Internet marketing, web hosting has, indeed, become a general standard of the modern business concept. An e-commerce hosting company is a web-hosting provider that makes life easier both for Read more . . .


The modern business landscape changes each day.  Technologies are introduced, practices are improved, and businesses come and go.  The key to making it in this ever-evolving business world lies in your ability to not only create a good e-commerce site, but also re-build a better one.

As today’s marketplace becomes more and more dependent on the Internet, building your e-commerce site is now more vital than ever before.  All smart business owners know that you must fully Read more . . .

Graph comparison of B2C vs B2B


Online shopping has indeed made the Internet today’s Main Street USA.  Buyers flock to online retail sites to purchase everything from clothing and books, to cars and even houses.

The computer age has advanced at lightning speed over the past two decades.  In the beginning, computer geeks were the only users making online buys.  However, these days, nearly every consumer with Internet access has purchased goods or services online at least one time. Read more . . .

Illustration of web blogging


Are you ready to jump into e-commerce?  You’d better prepare yourself first!  Having the proper knowledge can mean the difference between sinking and swimming in today’s virtual business world.

A lot of entrepreneurs presume that they can just jump right in and become an e-commerce host; but without a plan, these persons can see their dreams quickly sink.  Being successful in the world of business needs a plan of action.  You have to know how to shrink your field of competitors while expanding your customer database. Knowing Read more . . .