Email flashed on a pc screen

The computer revolution has brought about changes to every aspect of our lives, as well as our vocabularies.  Terms like online,  reboot,  cyberspace, and defrag didn’t even exist twenty years ago.  Now, these are ordinary phrases in everyday conversations.  Autoresponder is another new phrase that has daily applications to many Internet marketers.

Autoresponders are among the most vital marketing tools that you can use to conduct business online.  Using an Read more . . .

Illustration of web blogging

Are you ready to jump into e-commerce?  You’d better prepare yourself first!  Having the proper knowledge can mean the difference between sinking and swimming in today’s virtual business world.

A lot of entrepreneurs presume that they can just jump right in and become an e-commerce host; but without a plan, these persons can see their dreams quickly sink.  Being successful in the world of business needs a plan of action.  You have to know how to shrink your field of competitors while expanding your customer database. Knowing Read more . . .

Mom with laptop and kitty

Most of the time, Network Marketing, or MLM, is a legitimate and potentially lucrative means to work from home for your own MLM business opportunity.

By directly selling items while creating your own “downline”, you can work your MLM business opportunity part-time, from home, and in your own hours. Even with all the potential for making money, you should decide, though if an MLM is for you or not. Read more . . .

Huge auction hall full of people

Ours is a truly balanced world.  Modern commerce has been built on fair trade, with equal opportunities for both sellers and buyers.  In fact, from this basic ideal of marketing, comes the auction sale.

There are two essential and equally powerful parties to every auction sale:  the buyer, and the seller.   When there is a group of buyers, the exchanges must be balanced in order for the auction sale to be fun to everyone.  A number of rules apply, both written and unspoken.  In order for you to have fun at an auction, and avoid a Read more . . .

Three laptops on a computer table


Ever considered making money as a writer?  The advent of the Internet has brought about unlimited opportunities for writers to earn additional income.  Article directories are of particular interest to these resourceful persons.

Article directories are essentially websites that house free articles. These articles are normally promotional tools that are posted by the copyright owner.  By putting the owner’s byline beneath the article, the reader is able to identify the author or copyright owner, and easily contact them directly or visit their website for more information. Read more . . .